BAM! Steph's back! Yes, after a long period of time, I came across my bl0g once more. Today's Subject: Hair Cut; It's a urgent update! So I'm deciding on what to change again once more with my hair. I thought to myself " Why don't I get a fringe again?" I mean why not right? It's not like they didn't mess up on what I wanted before? HA! WRONG! So due to further nightmares of horrific haircuts and the obsession of getting my hairdresser back, I'm going with my gut feeling deep down inside, ( like I always do, mhhh..) and getting a darn hair cut. I'm getting it in t-minus 59 minutes to look like Taylor Momsen’s.
SURPRISE! and guess what? I'm getting it cut by not a regular, but by a women I have never met before. Me, myself are stunned by this miraculous decision I've just made. I was thinking of getting this type of haircut for quite a bit of time now, just by the reaction I had once it was seen by my eyes and forevermore shoved in my memory cabinet. OH! My Gosh! I can't contain my excitment. That’s not to say I’m not doing my fair share of freaking the heck out. So the time is running out shortly to walk out my front door and on my way to the salon. Anyway, without further adieu, I would like to present my future hair
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