Wednesday, September 15

Life is Sweet

I love my food, every little bit of it. especially when it comes to desserts. Ask anyone, and they will tell you that I cherish sweets, and craves it all the time...not really. it's just so good. I get it from my dad being the sweet tooth I've grown up to be. If you see me upset, give me sweets. If you see me happy, give me sweets. Just give me sweets and I will love you more. just kidding...maybe.

but it's a known stereotype that women love sweets, and as the saying goes said by few "If you want to make a girl happy, give her sweets, not flowers!". defiantly true. although I would like flowers too.

which all of this brings me to why I decided to write about sweet deliciously made sweets, is because an Austrian girl who happened to walk into my life several days ago, gave me wonderful Austrian chocolate for my birthday. A lot of Austrian chocolate she just so happened to have. I'm surely not upset with that choice at all.
Ooh! and maybe a little bit of theses very good looking cupcakes and cookies I found online.

(never really thought I would call cupcakes 'Good looking'.)
let's just try tasteful.

On that note, I devoured a few of each, or on my speaking terms 'nibbled' a few of each of the yummy chocolate I happened to receive.

Here's one of the "ooh so good, haven in my mouth" chocolates she gave me.

And here are the pictures I found online on these mouth-watering (seems to be) sweets this women makes as her passion.

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